Recruitment in the modern world
Recruitment in the modern world
Candidate search and DEI, with Fiona Wilson
Anthony Haynes writes: Once a recruitment agency has been engaged and briefed on a role, the question arises of how to conduct the search for potential candidates.
This entails two entwined considerations, namely how to conduct the search efficiently and how to ensure that the search aligns with DEI factors.
Here Sherah Beckley interviews FJWTS Managing Director, Fiona Wilson, on both aspects of the question.
Their conversation includes a discussion of such factors as search tools and search protocols. The emphasis throughout is on going beyond the obvious to develop flexible, creative, and proactive strategies,
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Finally, what we do
FJ Wilson Talent Services provides recruitment and talent development services and also coaching for individuals.
We specialise in professional roles at mid or senior level, Our core market comprises organisations for professionals - typically membership bodies, learning providers, and awarding bodies.
To find out more about our services and to contact us, visit our website