Recruitment in the modern world

Using social media effectively

Fiona Wilson Season 5 Episode 43

Anthony Haynes writes: Our work at FJ Wilson Talent Services is concerned with social media in two ways. The first (perhaps more minor way) concerns our own use of social media; the second concerns our stakeholders'.

In this episode, we reflect on the characteristics of effective use of social media. In particular, we consider:

  • the significance of opportunity cost and the need for discipline
  • which metrics matter
  • the need to move beyond treating social media purely as push media

Further listening

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Finally, what we do

FJ Wilson Talent Services provides recruitment and talent development services and also coaching for individuals.

We specialise in professional roles at mid or senior level, Our core market comprises organisations for professionals - typically membership bodies, learning providers, and awarding bodies.

To find out more about our services and to contact us, visit our website

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